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发布日期:2025-01-03 17:44    点击次数:108

古希腊医学消失了,保存在伊斯兰医学当中,活跃在伊斯兰国家里。中国的医学需要全世界来保存,不知道中医的未来会怎么样,可是,也许可以保存在,并被其他国家热爱中医的人来保存,发扬。医者意也!中医翻译可以不同程度的让更多的人来掌握中医,并且为更多的痛苦中的人服务。现在有越来越多的外国人,前来中医院校学习中医。由于中医的翻译一直没有标准化,而中医院校一直对于英语重视度不够。所以许多外国人来这里学习的时候,因为找不到好的翻译而使学习变得难上加难。如何做一名好的中医翻译者?就我个人来说,真的很难。首先,你要有足够的医学词汇量(包括中医和西医),因为有的时候,确实需要你将中医的病和证,用西医的病和症来解释。其次,你要是一个好的中医学习者,只有你自己有坚实的中医基础,才能将它解释给外国学生听。因为,现如今中医大夫,只有少部分懂得英语。我曾作过三次英语翻译,两个美国人和一个加拿大人。那时候,真的觉得很吃力,压力也很大。所以,中医基础知识的扎实和英语词汇量的扩大,是我们这些想要为传承中医文化做出贡献的人,所必须做的事情。难!真的很难!今日读中医新版内科学,其中错误多得可怜。与70年代方药中等先生编写的实用中医内科学相比,不知道今天的 专家委员会是干什么 吃的。然还有阁下在此以讹传讹。中医的掘墓人的确厉害!黄褐斑发病多因素调查分析及消斑汤疗效观察 摘要 目的:调查影响黄褐斑发病的多种因素并观察中药治疗的临床效果 方法:填写STAI调查问卷,方免法测定血清FSH、LH、P、E2、Ts水平,应用中药消斑汤对80例病人进行治疗,并设对照组。 结果:黄褐斑发病与多种因素有关,而且STAI量表得分明显高于对照组,血清E2、P水平增高,有显著差异,消斑汤治疗总有效率明显高于对照组。 结论:黄褐斑的发生,首先在内分泌紊乱的基础上,在多种促发因素作用下形成,中药消斑汤治疗安全、有效。 Analysis of multiple pathogenic factors involved in maculopathy and clinical observation on treatment with xiaoban decorationAbstractObjective To investigate multiple pathogenic factors involved in maculopathy and clinical observation on treating maculopathy with Chinese herbs Methods Fill out STAI inquiry papers and test the level of FSH LH P E2 Ts in the blood serum by means of radioimmunoassay. Patients are divided into two groups, the control group and treatment group ,80 patients of which were treated with xaoban decoration Results Macuopaty may be due to multiple pathogenic factors. The scores of the STAI are significantly higher than those of the control group and the level of E2 P in the blood serum elavated ,which shows significantly difference between the two groups. Treatment group has a obviously higher total effective rate than the control group.Conclusion On the basis of endocrine dysfunction various pathogenic factors may induce maculopathy , which can be treated with xiaoban tang safely and effectively Key word maculopathy pathogenic mechanism treatment by Chinese herbs请yubinlu39 老师指正I think the translation is very good. Only one sentence could be changed as followOriginal: "Patients are divided into two groups, the control group and treatment group ,80 patients of which were treated with xaoban decoration "Revised: "Patients are divided into two groups, the control group and the treatment group. 80 patients in the treatment group were treated with Xiaobao Decoction."中医的理解背景是中国的传统文化,老外理解的基础也是要有传统文化背景,不可能用他的词为主,因此直观一点好,以免望文生异义,我认为"阴阳""三焦"用拼音比较好,有人把"三焦"译成"人体内三堆火",性,行吗?yubinlu39 wrote:I think the translation is very good. Only one sentence could be changed as followOriginal: "Patients are divided into two groups, the control group and treatment group ,80 patients of which were treated with xaoban decoration "Revised: "Patients are divided into two groups, the control group and the treatment group. 80 patients in the treatment group were treated with Xiaobao Decoction."thanks a lot to yubinlu39!yubinlu39 wrote:I am sure we can share something. You will be more than welcomed if you can post “will be more than ---if ---",好象兄台常用此句式,但怎么看怎么觉得别扭!不知道有没有语法错误?as if many words is Chinese English.感谢你!you can check books to see if there is any grammer mistake. I think it is a very commonly used expression in English. If you are a native English speaker, you will not feel strange any more.By the way, at least there are three mistakes in your sentence "As if many words is Chinese English"1. When you use "as if", the following part should be "were"2. If you do not use "as if", the following part should be "are"3. "Many words" is not the same as Chinese English. The correct expression should be 'Many words are Chinglish words"Haha对于多汗夺津或津液大亏的患者,不可轻用破血、逐血之剂。这里的“不可轻用”,是否可以理解为“不可以采用” 故翻译如下: Drastic drugs for removing blood stasis should not be applied to the patients with body fluid deficiency due to profuse sweating。 请yubinlu39 老师指正First, use herbs instead of drugs here. "不可轻用破血" 意思是不可轻易破血.可以翻译成Drastic herbs removing blood stasis should be used with cautionto Dr. yubinlu39: thank you very much. By the way, would mind presenting some articles in TCM for english translation which I am really interested in . I was a student majoring in TCM and now want to learn some english translation skills in TCM for my work. would you mind giving some suggestions?Osteotraumatology in TCMto Dr. yubinlu39: i am not quite sure about the translation of the following sentences, esp the first sentence . will you do me a favor? thanks !the majority of patients with locally recurrent rectal cancer will be excluded from consideration of resective surgery based on medical fitness, presence of metastic deposits, locally unresectable disease, or unwillingness to consider the associated mortality and morbidity. these patients should be offered a comprehensive palliative treatment plan aimed at symptom you tell me how to translate "熏洗疗法"?thank you!真气在中医的真正含义与“正气”、“元气”等相关,但译成original qi 或者是right qi 又都不是特别贴切,因此建议翻译成“original and true qi",不知恰当否。另外,本人查阅了以下由美国人Nigel Wiseman 主编的pritical dictionary of Chinese medicine,该书在美国、台湾已被视为较为经典的中医翻译工具书,上面的翻译为”true qi",这当然是字面翻译,确实有些机械,但语言的首要任务是让人能读懂,同时表达的精确性也很重要,如果要力求百分百的一一对应,则没有什么词或句可以翻译,因为两种语言背后的文化背景差异并非用词或句能表达出来的。因此,我建议调和一下两种翻译方法,暂且将真气翻译成“original and true qi",肯请指教。Is there anyone tell me how to translate 群方谱Is there anyone tell me how to translate 群方谱熏洗疗法:steaming and washing therapy群方谱: Collection of Herbal Formulas我现在是中医专业本科二年级学生,苦的就是英语呀!四级考了两次还没过,惨啊!这可是关系到毕业问题,中医对英语的要求真的要吗?中医最高水平不是在中国吗?!!!大家来评论一下哪个翻译更好一点:1.气能摄血. A. qi governing blood B. qi containing blood C. qi controlling blood2. 湿浊. A. damp turbid B. damp frothy3. 缓脉. A. moderate pulse B. slowed down4. 气能生津. A.qi promoting body fluid production B. qi producing body fluid1.气能摄血. A. qi governing blood B. qi containing blood C. qi controlling blood这些都不理想。应该翻译成:Qi can keep blood flowing winthin blood vessels2. 湿浊. A. damp turbid B. damp froth应该是turbid dampness, 或者the damp turbid3. 缓脉. A. moderate pulse B. slowed down应该是moderate pulse or relaxed pulsethanks a lot!for your first translation, i think it is perfect and i can see you know TCM as well.for the second, i do not agree much.still,i think frothy dampness are more sensible than turbid dampness, since it described the shapes and forms of the invisible stuff.the last conception may not recept by the foreign students.i have discussed with a foreign friend of TCM whom told me he just know normal pulse and slow pulse, between which was just discernable.TCM translation were just unstandardized, and various expressions and terms are used, do you think so?wanna make friends with you.说白了还是中国式英语顶一下,感谢各位精英sacredshan wrote:thanks a lot!for your first translation, i think it is perfect and i can see you know TCM as well.for the second, i do not agree much.still,i think frothy dampness are more sensible than turbid dampness, since it described the shapes and forms of the invisible stuff.the last conception may not recept by the foreign students.i have discussed with a foreign friend of TCM whom told me he just know normal pulse and slow pulse, between which was just discernable.TCM translation were just unstandardized, and various expressions and terms are used, do you think so?wanna make friends with you.[/quoteI do not know what your background is, but I am sure you are new to TCM English. I have been teaching TCM in USA, and I wrote a book on pulse diagnosis which is used as the textbook in many TCM schools in USAindeed! i am actually the TCM English learner, and i really appreciate your topic here, that's the reason i disussed. the way ahead is long; i see no ending, yet high and low i'll search with my will unbending.学了有用吗?我认为中医的气、阴、阳等还是翻译qi、yin、yang合适。我是七年制中医英语专业的学生,读了五年眼看就要实习了,今天有幸看到这里还有这么一大帮志同道合的同志们,很是感动!和我周围一些同学是被调动到这个专业来的情况不一样,我当初报考大学时自己就坚定的选择了中医英语这个专业,五年以来我自始至终都对中医英语充满信心。尽管国内的中医英语的师资力量欠缺,尽管国内中医英语还处于百家争鸣的阶段,没有统一规范,尽管当我对朋友说出我是中医英语专业的时候,看到的都是诧异的目光,但我看到的是中医英语的未来,我们便是中医英语这片天地的开拓者!当我们回过头来看看自己走过的路,每一个脚印都将留在中医英语发展的历史中。中医药终将要走向全球,如今,针灸已一路当先走向世界,英国、德国、澳大利亚、美国、***、法国····都已经相继颁发了针灸医师执照,我们学校的老师很多都已经出国,主要是做针灸,一个穴位5欧元,一条经脉80欧元便是针灸的价值。更令人振奋的是在英国、澳大利亚等国家中药也已经合法化,中医诊所更是日益增加。说了这么多世界的历史的,再回过头来看看自己,入学以来修习了北京中医药大学主编的中医基础理论、中医诊断学、中药学、方剂学、中医内科学、针灸推拿学等系列英文版教材,湖南中医药大学主编的中医英语专业教材,自己研读了针灸英语,医疗服务英语.但在进行专业医药相关文件翻译的时候仍然甚感吃力,往往1000字左右的内容需要4个来小时才能完成。但我自己分析,这或许与工作量和工作频率太少有关,还没有形成翻译的惯性,自己往往也有这种感觉,一篇文章越翻译到后面速度反而越快。现在回想起来自己大学五年翻译过的专业医药出版物不过寥寥十来份,包括《应激反应综合征的中医辩证治疗》的三个章节、《按摩全书》试译部分、《加味丹参饮对小鼠心功能的影响探究》、一部分医学论文的摘要(论文摘要的翻译在医学院校的需求很大)以及一些医疗器械、药品的说明书。和我周围的同学比起来,我这些翻译数目还算是比较多的了,但是我觉得这是杯水车薪,远远达不到中医英语专业学生锻炼的目的。这当中其实有个矛盾,就是社会对中医英语这一块的需求很大,而中医英语专业的学生和爱好者却无用武之地,这当中当然有我们的水平有限的原因在里面,但是我觉得最主要的还是缺乏一个衔接点。就比方说医学论文摘要的翻译,实际上医学院校内包括本科生、研究生的学位论文,教职员工和医生的职称考核论文,需要发表在省级以上刊物的学术论文,都要求必须要有英文摘要,这是一个广阔的锻炼平台,但是两方之间却有一个断层,无法沟通,而我作为校学生会主席才有机会接触到更多的教职员工和医务工作者,得以获得翻译的机会。所以在中医英语教学这一块我希望今后能够更好的协调供需两方,让同学们能有更多锻炼的机会,正如同普通医学生在普通教学的同时也要成比例的加入见习,实习一样,中医英语专业的学生也应有实际操作的机会。当然这与老师布置几篇翻译稿让你去做是不一样,关键还是在于能让同学们能有去做的激情和动力。稀里糊涂讲了这么多,不知是否有哪位有这么大的耐性看到了最后,深表感谢!让我们共勉之!习作,请yubinlu39老师指正:中文摘要目的:以健康麻醉犬为受试对象,从心功能、血流动力学及心肌耗氧量等方面观察加味丹参饮对麻醉犬的作用。方法:采用麻醉犬以戊巴比妥钠麻醉,开胸,暴露心脏,分离冠状动脉左前降支上部,侧冠脉流量;分离主动脉,测主动脉流量;经颈外静脉插管至冠状静脉窦,分别抽取动、静脉血作血氧含量分析;从颈外动脉插管至左心室腔内,测左心室压及压力变化;股动、静脉分离,股静脉输注生理盐水,股动脉插管测动脉血压。以上指标分别于给药前,给药后15min,30min,45min,60min,90min,120min检测一次。通过十六导生理记录仪记录并经程序处理计算心率、冠脉流量、冠脉阻力、左室做功、左室压上升最大速率(dp/dtmax)等指标。结果:加味丹参饮中剂量组于给药后60、90min,高剂量组于给药后45-120分钟,恬尔心对照组于给药后45、60min与给药前比较,冠脉流量明显增加(P<0.05),冠脉阻力明显下降(P<0.05);加味丹参饮中剂量组于给药后45min,加味丹参饮高剂量组于给药后30min到60min与给药前比较,左室收缩压峰值(LVSP)上升明显(P<0.05);加味丹参饮中剂量组于给药后45min,加味丹参饮高剂量组于给药后30min和45min与给药前比较,左室压上升最大速率(dp/dt)明显上升(P<0.05);加味丹参饮高剂量组于给药后30min、45min、60min与给药前比较,左室舒张末期压(LVMCF)明显上升(P<0.01、P<0.05),恬尔心组用药后30min、45min与给药前比较,左室舒张末期压(LVMCF)明显上升(P<0.01);加味丹参饮中剂量、高剂量组及恬尔心组于给药后30 min开始,动静脉血氧饱和度差值明显上升(P<0.01,P<0.05),动静脉血氧含量差值明显上升(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论:加味丹参饮中、高剂量可明显增加健康麻醉犬左室收缩压峰值、左室压上升最大速率、左室舒张末期压,降低冠状动脉血流阻力,增加冠状动脉血流量,增加动静脉血氧饱和度和血氧含量,降低心肌耗氧量;中剂量加味丹参饮的作用强度与7.52mg/kg恬尔心基本一致。加味丹参饮各剂量组和恬尔心组对健康麻醉犬心率、动脉收缩压、动脉舒张压、平均动脉压、左室做功、心输出量、心脏指数、每搏输出量、心搏指数、总外周阻力无明显影响。关键词:加味丹参饮 麻醉犬 心功能 血流动力学 心肌耗氧量ABSTRACTObjective:By experimenting with a healthy anethetized dog,to observe the effect of Modified Red Sage Decoction to the anethetized dog from aspect of the cardiac function, hemodynamics and myocardial oxygen demand.Methods:The anethetized dog was anethetized by PEntoBarBital SoDium, and open the chest to expose the heart, separate the top of left branch of coronary artery to survey the rate of coronary artery flow,separate aorta to survey the rate of aorta flow, intubate from external jugular vein to coronary artery sinus to draw off the blood of artery and vein to analyze the blood oxygen content, intubate from external carotid to left ventricle to survey the pressure of it and the change of the pressure,separate femoral and femoral vein, infusion physiological saline into femoral vein and intubate into femoral to survey arteriotony.All of these index should be survey at the time of 15min,30min,45min,60min,90min,120min before and after administration.Calculate cardiac rate,flow rate of coronary artery, resistance of coronary artery, efficacy of left ventricle, max rising pressure of left ventricle(dp/dtmax) etc. and recorded by physiological grapher recording meter.Results:Compare medium dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 60 and 90min after administration,high dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 45-120min after administration and contrapositive group at the time of 45 and 60min after administration with the situation before administration, flow rate of coronary artery increases obviously(P<0.05), resistance of coronary artery decrease obviously(P<0.05). Compare medium dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 45min after administration and high dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 30 and 60min after administration with the condition before administration,left ventricle systolic pressure(LVSP) rises obviously(P<0.05). Compare medium dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 45min after administration and high dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 30 and 45min after administration with the condition before administration, max rising pressure of left ventricle(dp/dtmax) rises obviously(P<0.05).Compare high dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction at the time of 30,45and 60min after administration with the condition before, ventricular end diastolic pressure(LVMCF) rises obviously(P<0.01,P<0.05). Compare contrapositive group at the time of 30 and 45min after administration with the condition before, ventricular end diastolic pressure(LVMCF) rises obviously(P<0.01).Medium dosage group,high dosage group and contrapositive group at the time of 30min after administration,the difference value of oxygen saturation of blood rises obviously,as well as the difference value of blood oxygen content(P<0.01,P<0.05).Conclusion: Medium dosage group and high dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction has the effect of increasing left ventricle systolic pressure, max rising pressure of left ventricle,ventricular end diastolic pressure and flow rate of coronary artery,lowering the resistance of coronary artery and the oxygen consuming content of cardiac muscle of the healthy anethetized dog .Medium dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction almost has the same effect of 7.52mg/kg contrapositive group.Each dosage group of Modified Red Sage Decoction or contrapositive group has no obvious effect in cardiac rate, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure of artery, average arterial pressure, efficacy of left ventricle, cardiac output,cardiac index, stroke output,heart beat index and total peripheral resistance of healthy anethetized dog.Key words: Modified Red Sage Decoction;Anethetized dog;Cardiac function;Hemodynamics;Oxygen consuming content of cardiac muscle[color=DeepPink][/color]Objective:By experimenting with a healthy anethetized dog,to observe the effect of Modified Red Sage Decoction to the anethetized dog from aspect of the cardiac function, hemodynamics and myocardial oxygen demand1.此句中的effect 后面应该用on. effect...on...2. 丹参应该用red sage root.你的翻译少了root.3. from aspects of在这里不合适。更简洁的句子应该是:Objective: Observe the effect of Modified Red Sage Root Decoction on the cardiac function, hemodynamics and myocadial oxygen demand in healthy anethetized dog. 原来中文前后重复,"以健康麻醉犬为受试对象"没有必要翻译的Methods:The anethetized dog was anethetized by PEntoBarBital SoDium, and open the chest to expose the heart, separate the top of left branch of coronary artery to survey the rate of coronary artery flow,separate aorta to survey the rate of aorta flow, intubate from external jugular vein to coronary artery sinus to draw off the blood of artery and vein to analyze the blood oxygen content, intubate from external carotid to left ventricle to survey the pressure of it and the change of the pressure,separate femoral and femoral vein, infusion physiological saline into femoral vein and intubate into femoral to survey arteriotony.All of these index should be survey at the time of 15min,30min,45min,60min,90min,120min before and after administration.Calculate cardiac rate,flow rate of coronary artery, resistance of coronary artery, efficacy of left ventricle, max rising pressure of left ventricle(dp/dtmax) etc. and recorded by physiological grapher recording meter.这一段问题很多:1. "The anethetizeddog was anethetized by " 第一个anethetized去掉2. 第一句话和第二句话的主语不是一个.读起来成了"the dog open the chest", 逻辑不对的_______________


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